When I started my blog, I didn’t know what shape I wanted it to take. Honestly, I still don’t. However, I did know this: I believe in the power, the need, and the importance of one’s voice. It matters. And as it turns out, I have a lot to say. (For more on this, see my first post – or subscribe the right of this page! —->> )
What I have found since creating my blog is that I want my writing to have purpose. I like teaching, and I think my writing is evidence of this, too. It’s usually easiest to integrate my faith into my writing as well. The bottom line? I want to use my voice to encourage and inspire.
I also want to come alongside others to support them in following their passions and doing good work. Collaborating with others in this pursuit is so helpful! In this spirit, I’ll occasionally be posting about Compassion International after having joined their network of bloggers. My goal in doing this is to help be a voice for children who are desperately in need and raise awareness of some of the most vulnerable children in the world.
I first learned about Compassion at a young age. My youth minister and his wife led my youth group in sponsoring a child through Compassion. We’d give money to send to him, and he’d often times write back to us. There were so many valuable lessons taught to us through this process, namely the importance of giving and caring for others. That’s my first memory of this organization.
Later, after college, I learned more about Compassion from my parents’ church since they’re advocates of the organization, and my parents got involved with the organization as well. (Role models at their best right there.) I was wowed by the organization’s ability to radiate compassion in the truest sense of the word. They literally just long to suffer with, respond to, and feel for these children who are in dire need in such poverty-stricken countries.
Today, several Compassion bloggers are traveling to Kenya and staying through June 9th with a mission of sharing their hearts from that part of the world. Their ultimate goal, as is Compassion’s, is to release children from poverty and spread the Good News. You can follow along with their trip here. Compassion’s mission statement reads, “In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.” You can read more about Compassion here also.
While we may be worlds apart, we can help those in need elsewhere. I’m looking forward to writing more about this sweet, caring organization. If you have a story to share about an experience you had with Compassion or a similar organization, feel free to share it below in the comments or drop me a note on my Contact page. I’d love to hear from you!
When they cry out to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.
Exodus 2:27b
Beautiful post! Literally last night I listened to a podcast about finding authentic purpose in our blogging. So, wonderful to find confirmation of this on your blog with the importance of sharing Compassion! Thank you and looking forward to checking out Compassion International and reading more your lovely posts:)
What kind words. It’s so encouraging to know that the purpose I so hope this blog has comes across in a meaningful way. Thank you for taking the time to say so! 🙂