I’m Rebecca, and I’m glad you’re here. Welcome!
All my posts are organized into these categories: faith, lifestyle, and culture and travel. The faith and lifestyle posts tend to be more serious-minded, and they usually teach a lesson about God or share advice about life. The culture and travel posts are where you should head if you want recommendations on what to read, where to travel or eat, or anything culture related! Most of all, I want my blog to give you hope, leave you feeling encouraged, and inspire you with helpful info!
As for me, Tennessee is home, and I was born and raised just south of Nashville. I earned both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English, and I studied eighteenth-century literature in grad school. I was an energetic child, and I think that part of my personality never really went away. I’m an avid reader, music lover, luxury camper, recreational runner, occasional baker, and dance enjoyer. You’ll see these loves of mine show up in my posts of course!
Thanks again for stopping by. If you want to know more, just ask! Send me a note on my contact page because I’d love to hear from you.
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